Christ told me the New American Roman Nazi empire is the Horse called war in Tribulations.
Sanhedrin controlling the money supply being the rider I am the bit in the Horses mouth and the spurs on it's side.
Neither the Horse nor rider will admit I control where the horse is going and they both hate the sight of the bit and spurs never the less they cannot deny they are where they don't want to be and I am the only reason they can see.
God showed me what 6700 on the Dow looks like to him. I was standing on a mountain peak looking at a greater mountain range and God said see those mountains over the Valley they are 3300 on the Dow.
God's message Lucifer controls this Kingdom NYSE it represents all the Kingdoms of the world in mankind's history must be destroyed before the Return of the Christ the more they resist The knowledge I give you the more is lost from all the world kingdoms.
Enoch you have made Billionaires into Millionaires Nations which ruled over poorer nations equal in misery and the only way for the destruction to stop is the governments admit they know about the return of Christ and stop waging war and treat mankind as brothers not customers.