Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Transmigration of Souls 24 Elders
Hidden book chapter (also hidden Sura of the Quran}
One thing that I meditated about while in prayer was the different "Rewards" of the New Testament and the Old Testament. All Christian Saints (except paid coreligionist & those ruled by high caste demons) are translated into the glorified body of Christ joint heirs with their personal I Am of the holy spirit of Christ their personal savior from the time they first believed.
The Old Testament and some New Testament saints remain human having a personal Savior as a constant companion and friend which sticks closer than a brother.
The Twelve Apostles was bucking for personal position close to Christ when Christ informed them that the Great I Am has preserved some certain people close positions and they were not among them. This never seemed clear to me.
Why would the Great I Am insist on certain people to be treated different than the Christian Translated Saints and why did the Apostles want those spots. Jesus said that the least in the Kingdom would be greater than John the Baptist yet none was greater than John the Baptist in the Old Testament.
While meditating this Christ showed me that some people Christ (the great I Am) prefers not joined with their personal Savior but a team and not a single entity. This non-translated Saint - serves his pleasure and purpose in this primitive or natural state.
Perhaps this Perfect Will of God all along what he had intended prior to the fall which screwed up his time table for mans spiritual growth. He was taking things real slow before Lucifer stuck his nose in our relationship with the great I Am. He sped things up after the fall geometrically increasing our population and decreasing our life span.
Every new Life receives a new spirit and a personal I Am when they first believe. However does Christ recycle our souls?
Think about it. The Demons were stripped of their souls and bodies. Are there a finite number of souls that he created?
Does he just increase the spirits and then join them to their personal I Am. Was the number of souls the same number he had planned on in the beginning with extended lifetimes of 1000 years divided by 70 to maintain a certain number of "natural Men" he wanted prior to the fall. Do these same Souls return back into earth to further his purpose doing so as a loophole to cheat death not his (perfect) will to begin with?
Does Reincarnation exist for part of his divine will developed to restore his original plan for man that Lucifer tried to stop?
Perhaps the Translated Christian Joint Heir heavenly reward is something similar to a General High School Diploma and the Team Heavenly Reward is the Academic High School Diploma.
I have heard Preachers Pontificate about "New Age" demonic religions their scare tactics worked for a while but after thirty years of loving Christ two Beatific Visions continuous fellowship with Christ I know two absolute things.
All paid coreligionist are frauds and fakes and most of them are cowards as well. Anything they perceived as a threat to the collection plate was "evil" while they committed crimes against humanity to keep a cushy job.
So I am certain after Christ slays fifty thousand frauds and fakes and his children learn demonic warfare and bind the demons who used mankind like horses that Christ will be able to manifest his knowledge through the 144,000 teachers and rulers and in this brave new day.
We shall see spiritual things fearlessly and clearly which was deliberately hidden by the demons which ruled the "Men of God". What a joyful time to be alive!
Now let us do some simple Math. Most "Men of God" will be rubbing their hands thinking this means counting money. No not than kind of Math. At Present time there are over 5 billion plus souls alive.
One fifth of those will die by Christ hand in the final Battle on Earth prior to Christ Return.
For this lesson Let us suppose that they are lost souls. Vessels fit only for destruction.
Christ is very frugal. They could be the recycled demonic souls he stripped from the demons. Why waste them? Souls will not retain memory unless they are divine imprints from God serving his divine purpose. The Roman Church took this to mean the rituals they call "Sacraments".
Let us examine this "doctrine".
Does the Physical control the spiritual or does the Spiritual control the Physical?
Simplistic isn't it?
Exactly the way Christ does things. Everything makes perfect and simple sense. The Spiritual controls the Physical so the souls of certain "Men of God" are recycled retaining the imprint of the "RHEMA" on their recycled Soul.
Recycled soul gaining more spiritual authority through spiritual warfare is apparent from birth in spiritual world and they are targets sought to be destroyed by Lucifier.
I will not have to deal with false doctrines or false teachers fleeing judgment now selling stolen cars to illegal aliens the only people who won't know enough to stay away from any business dealing with them. Remember that no one in teaching anything concerning spiritual things really deals with absolutes.
Christ preferred to use similes or stories to demonstrate similarities yet not specifics. In this case let us remember what he said about John the Baptist for those that understand he is Elias/Elijah (soul is mantle of prophet authority) who returned before the Messiah as prophesied.
Christian denominations was quick to use scripture against Christ own words to debunk the doctrine of Reincarnation some claiming the doctrine a heathen doctrine due to the Buddhist and non Christian religions which noticed spiritual repetitions of souls in objective ways.
Presumed that something which Christ said was possible happened enough for apostles accept without much more than a sentence from Christ to establish.
So we shall put this question to Christ and see what he thinks about the concept of recycling he might like the idea since he has always been frugal and the "Paid coreligionist" seem to waste everything they can lie cheat and steal to get from the children.
One only has to look at the habits of the wealthy Church to see that they are deceived by the Gold of the altar and the accumulation of wealth at the expense of human suffering to hope that they are demon possessed because if they are committing these crimes against God and humanity without the demons then they can not be part of Christ at all.
The kindest thought I choose to believe is they are cowards and liars and frauds not pure evil like the demons. That they may possess pagan priest souls ruled by demons of ancient evil intelligence used to exploiting human nature for a comfortable and lavish lifestyle.
All the men of God who will spend 500 to 800 years prisons sentences for the millions they stole all feel justified as earning that money by using their mouth to preach the Gospel. They have nothing in common with Christ.
Paid Religionist caused damage to the unsaved by being a bad witness or representative of Christ and Christ is angry and has been that way towards these False Shepard's since John wrote the Set up for the trap in Revelations for the punch line Christ gave me April 4, 2002.
The hidden book that John thought tasted of honey the creator's instruction on how to destroy the economy of the 20Th century world which the demons rule.
This will be simple to do. The Churches all of them have preached self- serving lies which control the government we destroy the liars the government and the false churches both fall.
Christ only concern is the "children" the spiritual structure exists now in one form it must be expanded and separated from its pilot program to expand into the full church. Think of the 12-step program now as the army air force.
After the destruction of the demonic religious system it will just be the air force destroys the corrupt church building replaced with a clean steel indestructible framework that Christ can use as a suitable tool for mankind demon free spiritual growth.
The present set up is useless for real spiritual change it is an offense to both God and Man our murders and warfare and drug addiction loss of freedoms hunger for things instead of something of value is destroying our world and will not be able to withstand the present conditions without total destruction of our very humanity.
The church not only didn't help, it caused most of the problems by using ignorance and fear to keep the children under control this is worse than no Christianity at all.
Christ anger is justified and his punishment is real and the ministers are too proud to see it. The only thing preventing Christ from killing all ministers outright is the fact that he can use the truth to control all of them and just kill the ones who refuse to believe they were wrong.
Those of his nobility will deal with these demon ruled frauds easily due to the fact they know they are frauds and most want to be free but are just too scared to ask for help out of shame of admitting they are fakes. Very sad I was angry enough to see them burn in hell but now I just think of them as scared children on a school bus who pissed their pants and are crying.
(Personal copy sent to George Bush: you have my permission now to send a believer representative of your government to answer any and all questions, please make sure he is Baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ not in the trinity doctrine, the reason why any male who truly knows whom I am and is not a believer and non-baptized may be struck dead (divine protection). I don't want to repeat myself.)
I understand intellectually about how strange and different my perception of "Reality" since April 4, 2002, my constant state of Joy prevents me from making emotional links to anyone who can't accept by faith the information Christ imparted to me in the Hidden Book.
The initial heavenly joy of the redeemed (after death) is overwhelming and that is for both General Believers and those whom Christ imparted divine offices (males) through Baptism of the Holy Ghost (acts ch. 2 verse 37, 38).
Although many believers are saved in general salvation, which is the only true reason to exist, Heirs Christ ordained to his government IF OBEDIENT TO THE SPIRIT OF GOD, will know instantly of Christ presence because they already tasted it through out their walk and will be before the throne while they also greet and being greeted by those that have gone before.
The ability to be before Christ immediately comes from the character building the Holy Ghost accomplished in men permits them to stand before God without further purification and spiritual growth most general believers go through purification due to the demons which controlled their soul up to physical death.
The general salvation is an eternal reward for coming to earth. Knowledge then will flood the person's soul bringing their existence before their physical birth while still in the mind of God now becoming conscious of their pre mortal existence.
Beloved family will greet and embrace and begin the walk to the throne of God, the length of the walk to first see God is dependent on the person's obedience to God.
Every general saved person is joy filled the only real difference between the Christians in the outer courtyard and "Christ blood family and Heirs" in the Holy of Hollies is about the same type difference of children in a classroom.
All Demons are removed prior to entrance into heaven for those children that failed to rid themselves of Demons of this life. As the rule of thumb the less demons the shorter the walk.
Scripture for this is "That No Liars shall go to heaven." This is referring to the demon which is the Liar (demonically deceiving all humans) the demon must be removed before the human soul can gain access this what "No Liars shall go to heaven." Otherwise there would be no human beings in heaven since due to the curse the demons raised us to lie all the time mostly to ourselves they're by justifying our sins in our own soul.
God always wanted mankind to be close as possible but some particular souls desired to be closer to God more than others.
The only fair way to do it was use Earth as a school rewarding all children according to their work and desire to be close with God.
The result of the Human Host working to get demon free in this earthly life to be able to build the moral structure within himself by the power of the God’s Spirit.
The human relationships our thoughts and wants and even desires will be a continuation of earthly life except we will be demon free and filled with joy.
Christ will always exist as he does now in our soul but that Personal guardian given at birth confirmed and acknowledge at Baptism Redeem at Eternal life {death} is a replicated Christ which every redeemed person has in order to gain entrance to heaven. Christ has other plans for his family and Heirs.
The Heirs will feel all the Joy of the general believer however many enjoyed that while still alive. Heirs will receive even more joy making the difference by comparison the same distance as an unregenerate soul and a believer.
This is called the double portion of Paul and the reason why the 12 apostles sought the seats closer to the Throne Christ informed them those positions were already spoken for by Christ's closest friends of both Testaments.
Some baby believer's use lies out of fear of being used by Christ and put in unknown and dangerous areas.
Heaven at all times is but a thought away, Christ doesn't stop anyone coming into his presence however unless that being has the internal structure able to with stand God's Glory will crushed long before seeing his face.
The general believer will be happier than he was on earth. The Heirs will have that and more the main reason all believers decided to go into the physical universe to begin with.
The human soul will have a continuity of emotions and interest once settled into his heavenly walk. Those that went before him will walk along giving information relative to the soul’s life and place in mankind. The overwhelming joy and happiness strikes the soul almost as an ocean wave.
The soul will "walk" understanding why he did things and why things was done to him, this "information" can be absorbed at a maximum speed for all human souls recently freed from the demons. .
Mentioned in Twenty-four Elders does God as a loophole to escape Death use the concept of "Our Soul" being a vehicle, Christ had a finite number of souls created and infinite number of spirits, which co-exist, in Heaven.
The three fold salvation taught by Paul in its completed version points out that contradictions of Salvation disappear when one looks at the exact understanding of the Three fold Salvation, Spiritual Salvation for those that Believe in the Name of God alone.
Souls Salvation that we earn or work out Daily, and Physical Salvation which we trust by Faith for the raising upon our Physical Body in a glorified Body after our Death.
Once understood by its exact meaning we have a "spiritual equation" to balance.
This is how we balance and solve for both "X and Y" if Y equals the promise of God for punishment & X equals the promise of God for reward then the only way to "balance the spiritual equation”.
Separate the Spirit from the Soul as X and the soul & Body from the "Y" for punishment ending a contradiction of Salvation's fulfilling both the Judgment & Reward of permitting a Redeemed Spirit who took Christ as their personal Savior yet fell into drunkenness or drug addiction .
Soul unclean for its acts blocking its entrance with Redeemed Spirit enjoying the Salvation of the Lord "unclean or sin filled soul" stripped of all knowledge of its last inhabited spirit can be returned back to earth to "work out its daily salvation".
Start the whole process over again until the soul is fully "Redeemed" by the Holy Spirit teaching and leaving its "imprint" on the soul gradually bringing the soul into agreement with God until it can enter Heaven with a New Spirit.
Imprint will be retain in soul in Heaven completing the fullness of Salvation which permits the Redeemed Spirit to exist not just in Heaven {where spirits exist} but also co exist in the Physical creation as Body and Soul.
These "primitive" creatures of Spirit, Soul & Body, which is the "image of God", is the creation God always intended for mankind as companions and "children to God". The spiritual redeemed receive the fullness of being "Heirs & Joint Heirs" of Christ.
Joined together as one with God but the "primitive" form of just man's spirit {as those who belong to the "Old Testament"} serve Christ purpose.
Remaining separate beings from God {perhaps God's Perfect will before mankind's disobedience}.
This "explains" why certain Old Testament saints are used in Revelations yet don't become "Enjoined Heirs" of all New Testament Saints {Christ said that no man born of woman is greater than John the Baptist yet even the least in the Kingdom is greater.
Due to the joining of Christ and man's spirit as one being not two separate beings as the old testaments saints who are closest to the "Mercy Seat".
The "enjoined" Christ's spirit & Man's Spirit thereby "Lifting" New Testament saints above old testament's since Christ will be half of Christ himself, making Old Testament Saints "Inferior" to Heirs &; Joint Heirs of the New Testament.
Why did the Apostles want to have the primitive Heavenly reward of the Old Testament and get "seats" closer to Christ instead of being joined with Christ into a new creation of God with his divine nature sharing our spiritual nature?
Simple Old Testament Patriarchs and some New Testament Saints two witnesses to die in Jerusalem and have their bodies displayed and then are resurrected the third day contain the souls of Old Testament Patriarchs recycled by God as part of his divine plan to keep his perfect will goal intact.
Beings like him in primitive form to keep him company through out the Ages. The spirits without number will receive all that Christ promised but the ancient covenant is not over for those souls appointed to positions closer to the throne.
That fulfills the promise from God concerning New & Old Testament Rewards. Being one with God is beyond our spiritual, souls or physical ability to experience without the Holy Spirit supporting our very existence because for the joining we are the same as God himself and all New Testament saints will receive this spiritually.
So what purpose does the Old Testament Covenant in these end times?
New Testament saints which died in souls rebellion with sins unto death (still saved spiritually) losing there soul by disobedience yet spiritually saved but without "wheels" to go from one realm into other realm as Christ does entering this world and going to heaven in a united spirit soul & body.
This Old Testament saint reward was more "attractive" than having Christ joined in our spirit creating single being where two existed now incapable of sin. This single being is greater than the Old Testament Patriarch but the older covenant maintains a separate free will still capable of committing sin (as the angels who left their first estate).
Christ as an eternal companion or at least until the day after Christ destroys the old earth by fire creating a new earth, more on that in chapter "After the thousand year Kingdom".
Revelations is just the beginning as far as Christ is concerned. We have yet to begin what Christ wanted us to do 7,000 years ago. This world all that the Bible contains and millions of books telling what God can and did do unknown today (read end of the Gospel of John) is but a short detour in God’s perfect will for mankind
Think in scriptural terms God divided the Kingdom of David into the Northern Kingdom and Southern Kingdom sins were equal the Southern kingdom had truth, the temple, right of scriptural sacrifice ridding Kingdom's sin every year.
The Northern Kingdom used unscriptural sacrifices established for political reasons stopping people going into Jerusalem as ordained by God. Why then was the Southern Kingdom as sinful. They thought they were less sinful than their brothers who at lest knew they needed forgiveness.
This is the same ruling demon in the leadership of the True Church. And I say this for every one minister in the True Church who brings his ministry in line with Christ Ten will do it from the False Church reason I always loved so many men of God with Good hearts easily deceived into a demonic trap.
I know that arguments can be brought to Christ about this. However great suffering resulted by men not careful what they taught. The Kingdom Age could have been established a thousand years ago.
Christ is dead serious about what any man of God can expect from him. All will be treated by a higher standard than a simple child of God. Receiving the best from Christ all the men of God have failed to reach his perfect will. Make matters worse trying only to live his acceptable will.
The difference between the perfect will of God is "Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven" His perfect will, acceptable will, what he will allow before he wipes the earth clean of one billion people in judgment due to Church Leadership.
The person who Christ is currently using typing forgot to introduce himself. His name is Enoch the name Christ gave him sometime after a heart attack recorded on the EKG machine went untreated fell into sick bed wife and daughter prayed healing as he kept sinking into deeper level demonic attack Hid in Christ for relief showed many beautiful wonderful things.
Freed of some difficulties which heart attack was the smallest, while still in spirit in heaven showed a small white stone with a secret name on it told not to reveal until time asked to forget until Christ's time.
Years after another painful attack to illness caused by chemicals at job disabling him, damaged brain membrane causing three day long blinding headaches finally relieved thanking God for stopping pain led to check the internet came across request for prayer told woman put her in frontlet of prayer have God answer her cry for help.
Went prayed for woman, family, friends, all people he knew, finally asked to see his death wondering what it would be like. . Christ did something so beautiful so simple he just talked, drawing me closer showing things he taught me as a child. Then was simply with God saying, "I can't believe" God gently corrected, "You can believe it can't you"?
Understanding a simple act of free will, just to believe him stepping closer vaporized my entire being becoming one with him saw what he saw, thought what he thought, was part of the mind of God.
Everything made perfect and simple sense. Christ was in perfect control of all it effortlessly. It is humanly impossible for any created being to be that joyful or happy in any possible existence.
Whom ever has a beatific experience forever changed and yet to the person beside them nothing changed but the person who God changes everything is different still live in a hovel, body is still broken racked with pain yet walking in heaven not of this earth walking stepping on holy ground my soul cannot be hurt never die.
Christ would just tell me get up out of the casket go back to work there is not a doubt in my heart I would get up and start typing. Since my beatific vision been freed to share all I know about heaven and earth.
My name is ENOCH name CHRIST WROTE ON THE WHITE STONE. Never belong to any church although helped start three, never took a dime in Christ Name, received from Christ his divine office of Apostle, always a friend of God. He says his best friend. Introductions are over.
The business of setting his ministers in order is simple. Quit collecting money in Christ name settle with him when he gets here. First any dishonest dealing concerning money must be corrected if it means selling your kidney, eye, or half of your liver and one lung do it.
Everything else you should sell on simple principal that he is not happy with any of you it will go a lot easier if you live in a run down trailer in the worst part of town than a mansion with a world of starving people.
I am not joking. Next the church pays taxes Christ told you render unto Caesar that which is Caesar if the church was paying outrageous taxes instead of stuffing their bank accounts the government would have to be more honest the pastors would be preaching economic justice for everyone especial them.
Tell your church membership this church does not allow any contribution to be tax deductible. I am dead serious you can not play around about this try operating under a false church flag knowing truth you deserve what is in store for you. I will not waste a thought about it.
Remember the lost fool getting in the way of helping a child of God. And don't be surprised to see your story unfold as a TV movie. God will make an example of you to teach other men of God yet to hear what they must do.
There is more but remember your heart is right Christ will do the hard part correcting problems be willing to leave an entire way of life walk away on faith build a new ministry free from demonic control and influence.
Ones doing it first will pay a high price they will receive the greatest Blessing. Just so you know I gave up everything and everyone I loved to receive the Blessing went through 13 years of continuous physical pain fighting demons in a special school Christ set up for me.
My teachers and tormentors was my family who were spiritually blinded by Christ not to recognize attitudes actual thoughts were instigated by generational demons. Seeing demon activity knew what was wrong and if they were treated by anyone the way they treated me simply would not stand for it.
Christ blinded these normal everyday Christian people wonderful to everybody except me. Christ permitted generational family demons free reign concerning me alone. Christ taught me to ignore demonic attitude understand Christ lesson in demons 101.
Prayed for their protection their happiness while being their doormat remember seeing ruling demon first in my oldest daughter saved from wet alcoholic biological father who prostituted her 11-year-old sister to get Job on the slope in Alaska, she was starved, beaten, mind void of education. Christ put her under my hand, finest private Christian school, became member of the National Honor Scholar.
Made a point to give her 100 dollars every week because her husband was too cheap to give her own money told her I was physically damaged by chemicals at the job destroyed my immune system, attacking my brain causing pain in arms legs headaches causing fevers spinal Charlie horses lifting me clean off the bed. Condition could not be cured will only get worse.
Her answer to all of this is oh how terrible but if you are too sick to work use social security will there be any money left for me when I get old. How many things are wrong with this answer?
First off she never worked to pay any social security taxes or taxes period that was the first time that I truly understood what I did wrong being a Dad. And it was the beginning of divine education concerning Christians controlled by demons.
Realizing developing incurable untreatable disabling disease, racking with pain, affected the spending habits my adult married children. The demons went out of the way to make me aware of there suffering. Christ kept me laughing inside made my education bearable. The hard stuff I lived through Christ had me write it never truly felt real sorrow or pain until after writing it. Lived through the worst of it then just cried tears of gratitude for Christ carrying me 13 years. Unable to understand when some heard bit of my life wrote how utterly sad they felt about what happen to me. Truly didn't understand sharing story how one can be happy in troubled times.
One thing that I meditated about while in prayer was the different "Rewards" of the New Testament and the Old Testament. All Christian Saints (except paid coreligionist & those ruled by high caste demons) are translated into the glorified body of Christ joint heirs with their personal I Am of the holy spirit of Christ their personal savior from the time they first believed.
The Old Testament and some New Testament saints remain human having a personal Savior as a constant companion and friend which sticks closer than a brother.
The Twelve Apostles was bucking for personal position close to Christ when Christ informed them that the Great I Am has preserved some certain people close positions and they were not among them. This never seemed clear to me.
Why would the Great I Am insist on certain people to be treated different than the Christian Translated Saints and why did the Apostles want those spots. Jesus said that the least in the Kingdom would be greater than John the Baptist yet none was greater than John the Baptist in the Old Testament.
While meditating this Christ showed me that some people Christ (the great I Am) prefers not joined with their personal Savior but a team and not a single entity. This non-translated Saint - serves his pleasure and purpose in this primitive or natural state.
Perhaps this Perfect Will of God all along what he had intended prior to the fall which screwed up his time table for mans spiritual growth. He was taking things real slow before Lucifer stuck his nose in our relationship with the great I Am. He sped things up after the fall geometrically increasing our population and decreasing our life span.
Every new Life receives a new spirit and a personal I Am when they first believe. However does Christ recycle our souls?
Think about it. The Demons were stripped of their souls and bodies. Are there a finite number of souls that he created?
Does he just increase the spirits and then join them to their personal I Am. Was the number of souls the same number he had planned on in the beginning with extended lifetimes of 1000 years divided by 70 to maintain a certain number of "natural Men" he wanted prior to the fall. Do these same Souls return back into earth to further his purpose doing so as a loophole to cheat death not his (perfect) will to begin with?
Does Reincarnation exist for part of his divine will developed to restore his original plan for man that Lucifer tried to stop?
Perhaps the Translated Christian Joint Heir heavenly reward is something similar to a General High School Diploma and the Team Heavenly Reward is the Academic High School Diploma.
I have heard Preachers Pontificate about "New Age" demonic religions their scare tactics worked for a while but after thirty years of loving Christ two Beatific Visions continuous fellowship with Christ I know two absolute things.
All paid coreligionist are frauds and fakes and most of them are cowards as well. Anything they perceived as a threat to the collection plate was "evil" while they committed crimes against humanity to keep a cushy job.
So I am certain after Christ slays fifty thousand frauds and fakes and his children learn demonic warfare and bind the demons who used mankind like horses that Christ will be able to manifest his knowledge through the 144,000 teachers and rulers and in this brave new day.
We shall see spiritual things fearlessly and clearly which was deliberately hidden by the demons which ruled the "Men of God". What a joyful time to be alive!
Now let us do some simple Math. Most "Men of God" will be rubbing their hands thinking this means counting money. No not than kind of Math. At Present time there are over 5 billion plus souls alive.
One fifth of those will die by Christ hand in the final Battle on Earth prior to Christ Return.
For this lesson Let us suppose that they are lost souls. Vessels fit only for destruction.
Christ is very frugal. They could be the recycled demonic souls he stripped from the demons. Why waste them? Souls will not retain memory unless they are divine imprints from God serving his divine purpose. The Roman Church took this to mean the rituals they call "Sacraments".
Let us examine this "doctrine".
Does the Physical control the spiritual or does the Spiritual control the Physical?
Simplistic isn't it?
Exactly the way Christ does things. Everything makes perfect and simple sense. The Spiritual controls the Physical so the souls of certain "Men of God" are recycled retaining the imprint of the "RHEMA" on their recycled Soul.
Recycled soul gaining more spiritual authority through spiritual warfare is apparent from birth in spiritual world and they are targets sought to be destroyed by Lucifier.
I will not have to deal with false doctrines or false teachers fleeing judgment now selling stolen cars to illegal aliens the only people who won't know enough to stay away from any business dealing with them. Remember that no one in teaching anything concerning spiritual things really deals with absolutes.
Christ preferred to use similes or stories to demonstrate similarities yet not specifics. In this case let us remember what he said about John the Baptist for those that understand he is Elias/Elijah (soul is mantle of prophet authority) who returned before the Messiah as prophesied.
Christian denominations was quick to use scripture against Christ own words to debunk the doctrine of Reincarnation some claiming the doctrine a heathen doctrine due to the Buddhist and non Christian religions which noticed spiritual repetitions of souls in objective ways.
Presumed that something which Christ said was possible happened enough for apostles accept without much more than a sentence from Christ to establish.
So we shall put this question to Christ and see what he thinks about the concept of recycling he might like the idea since he has always been frugal and the "Paid coreligionist" seem to waste everything they can lie cheat and steal to get from the children.
One only has to look at the habits of the wealthy Church to see that they are deceived by the Gold of the altar and the accumulation of wealth at the expense of human suffering to hope that they are demon possessed because if they are committing these crimes against God and humanity without the demons then they can not be part of Christ at all.
The kindest thought I choose to believe is they are cowards and liars and frauds not pure evil like the demons. That they may possess pagan priest souls ruled by demons of ancient evil intelligence used to exploiting human nature for a comfortable and lavish lifestyle.
All the men of God who will spend 500 to 800 years prisons sentences for the millions they stole all feel justified as earning that money by using their mouth to preach the Gospel. They have nothing in common with Christ.
Paid Religionist caused damage to the unsaved by being a bad witness or representative of Christ and Christ is angry and has been that way towards these False Shepard's since John wrote the Set up for the trap in Revelations for the punch line Christ gave me April 4, 2002.
The hidden book that John thought tasted of honey the creator's instruction on how to destroy the economy of the 20Th century world which the demons rule.
This will be simple to do. The Churches all of them have preached self- serving lies which control the government we destroy the liars the government and the false churches both fall.
Christ only concern is the "children" the spiritual structure exists now in one form it must be expanded and separated from its pilot program to expand into the full church. Think of the 12-step program now as the army air force.
After the destruction of the demonic religious system it will just be the air force destroys the corrupt church building replaced with a clean steel indestructible framework that Christ can use as a suitable tool for mankind demon free spiritual growth.
The present set up is useless for real spiritual change it is an offense to both God and Man our murders and warfare and drug addiction loss of freedoms hunger for things instead of something of value is destroying our world and will not be able to withstand the present conditions without total destruction of our very humanity.
The church not only didn't help, it caused most of the problems by using ignorance and fear to keep the children under control this is worse than no Christianity at all.
Christ anger is justified and his punishment is real and the ministers are too proud to see it. The only thing preventing Christ from killing all ministers outright is the fact that he can use the truth to control all of them and just kill the ones who refuse to believe they were wrong.
Those of his nobility will deal with these demon ruled frauds easily due to the fact they know they are frauds and most want to be free but are just too scared to ask for help out of shame of admitting they are fakes. Very sad I was angry enough to see them burn in hell but now I just think of them as scared children on a school bus who pissed their pants and are crying.
(Personal copy sent to George Bush: you have my permission now to send a believer representative of your government to answer any and all questions, please make sure he is Baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ not in the trinity doctrine, the reason why any male who truly knows whom I am and is not a believer and non-baptized may be struck dead (divine protection). I don't want to repeat myself.)
I understand intellectually about how strange and different my perception of "Reality" since April 4, 2002, my constant state of Joy prevents me from making emotional links to anyone who can't accept by faith the information Christ imparted to me in the Hidden Book.
The initial heavenly joy of the redeemed (after death) is overwhelming and that is for both General Believers and those whom Christ imparted divine offices (males) through Baptism of the Holy Ghost (acts ch. 2 verse 37, 38).
Although many believers are saved in general salvation, which is the only true reason to exist, Heirs Christ ordained to his government IF OBEDIENT TO THE SPIRIT OF GOD, will know instantly of Christ presence because they already tasted it through out their walk and will be before the throne while they also greet and being greeted by those that have gone before.
The ability to be before Christ immediately comes from the character building the Holy Ghost accomplished in men permits them to stand before God without further purification and spiritual growth most general believers go through purification due to the demons which controlled their soul up to physical death.
The general salvation is an eternal reward for coming to earth. Knowledge then will flood the person's soul bringing their existence before their physical birth while still in the mind of God now becoming conscious of their pre mortal existence.
Beloved family will greet and embrace and begin the walk to the throne of God, the length of the walk to first see God is dependent on the person's obedience to God.
Every general saved person is joy filled the only real difference between the Christians in the outer courtyard and "Christ blood family and Heirs" in the Holy of Hollies is about the same type difference of children in a classroom.
All Demons are removed prior to entrance into heaven for those children that failed to rid themselves of Demons of this life. As the rule of thumb the less demons the shorter the walk.
Scripture for this is "That No Liars shall go to heaven." This is referring to the demon which is the Liar (demonically deceiving all humans) the demon must be removed before the human soul can gain access this what "No Liars shall go to heaven." Otherwise there would be no human beings in heaven since due to the curse the demons raised us to lie all the time mostly to ourselves they're by justifying our sins in our own soul.
God always wanted mankind to be close as possible but some particular souls desired to be closer to God more than others.
The only fair way to do it was use Earth as a school rewarding all children according to their work and desire to be close with God.
The result of the Human Host working to get demon free in this earthly life to be able to build the moral structure within himself by the power of the God’s Spirit.
The human relationships our thoughts and wants and even desires will be a continuation of earthly life except we will be demon free and filled with joy.
Christ will always exist as he does now in our soul but that Personal guardian given at birth confirmed and acknowledge at Baptism Redeem at Eternal life {death} is a replicated Christ which every redeemed person has in order to gain entrance to heaven. Christ has other plans for his family and Heirs.
The Heirs will feel all the Joy of the general believer however many enjoyed that while still alive. Heirs will receive even more joy making the difference by comparison the same distance as an unregenerate soul and a believer.
This is called the double portion of Paul and the reason why the 12 apostles sought the seats closer to the Throne Christ informed them those positions were already spoken for by Christ's closest friends of both Testaments.
Some baby believer's use lies out of fear of being used by Christ and put in unknown and dangerous areas.
Heaven at all times is but a thought away, Christ doesn't stop anyone coming into his presence however unless that being has the internal structure able to with stand God's Glory will crushed long before seeing his face.
The general believer will be happier than he was on earth. The Heirs will have that and more the main reason all believers decided to go into the physical universe to begin with.
The human soul will have a continuity of emotions and interest once settled into his heavenly walk. Those that went before him will walk along giving information relative to the soul’s life and place in mankind. The overwhelming joy and happiness strikes the soul almost as an ocean wave.
The soul will "walk" understanding why he did things and why things was done to him, this "information" can be absorbed at a maximum speed for all human souls recently freed from the demons. .
Mentioned in Twenty-four Elders does God as a loophole to escape Death use the concept of "Our Soul" being a vehicle, Christ had a finite number of souls created and infinite number of spirits, which co-exist, in Heaven.
The three fold salvation taught by Paul in its completed version points out that contradictions of Salvation disappear when one looks at the exact understanding of the Three fold Salvation, Spiritual Salvation for those that Believe in the Name of God alone.
Souls Salvation that we earn or work out Daily, and Physical Salvation which we trust by Faith for the raising upon our Physical Body in a glorified Body after our Death.
Once understood by its exact meaning we have a "spiritual equation" to balance.
This is how we balance and solve for both "X and Y" if Y equals the promise of God for punishment & X equals the promise of God for reward then the only way to "balance the spiritual equation”.
Separate the Spirit from the Soul as X and the soul & Body from the "Y" for punishment ending a contradiction of Salvation's fulfilling both the Judgment & Reward of permitting a Redeemed Spirit who took Christ as their personal Savior yet fell into drunkenness or drug addiction .
Soul unclean for its acts blocking its entrance with Redeemed Spirit enjoying the Salvation of the Lord "unclean or sin filled soul" stripped of all knowledge of its last inhabited spirit can be returned back to earth to "work out its daily salvation".
Start the whole process over again until the soul is fully "Redeemed" by the Holy Spirit teaching and leaving its "imprint" on the soul gradually bringing the soul into agreement with God until it can enter Heaven with a New Spirit.
Imprint will be retain in soul in Heaven completing the fullness of Salvation which permits the Redeemed Spirit to exist not just in Heaven {where spirits exist} but also co exist in the Physical creation as Body and Soul.
These "primitive" creatures of Spirit, Soul & Body, which is the "image of God", is the creation God always intended for mankind as companions and "children to God". The spiritual redeemed receive the fullness of being "Heirs & Joint Heirs" of Christ.
Joined together as one with God but the "primitive" form of just man's spirit {as those who belong to the "Old Testament"} serve Christ purpose.
Remaining separate beings from God {perhaps God's Perfect will before mankind's disobedience}.
This "explains" why certain Old Testament saints are used in Revelations yet don't become "Enjoined Heirs" of all New Testament Saints {Christ said that no man born of woman is greater than John the Baptist yet even the least in the Kingdom is greater.
Due to the joining of Christ and man's spirit as one being not two separate beings as the old testaments saints who are closest to the "Mercy Seat".
The "enjoined" Christ's spirit & Man's Spirit thereby "Lifting" New Testament saints above old testament's since Christ will be half of Christ himself, making Old Testament Saints "Inferior" to Heirs &; Joint Heirs of the New Testament.
Why did the Apostles want to have the primitive Heavenly reward of the Old Testament and get "seats" closer to Christ instead of being joined with Christ into a new creation of God with his divine nature sharing our spiritual nature?
Simple Old Testament Patriarchs and some New Testament Saints two witnesses to die in Jerusalem and have their bodies displayed and then are resurrected the third day contain the souls of Old Testament Patriarchs recycled by God as part of his divine plan to keep his perfect will goal intact.
Beings like him in primitive form to keep him company through out the Ages. The spirits without number will receive all that Christ promised but the ancient covenant is not over for those souls appointed to positions closer to the throne.
That fulfills the promise from God concerning New & Old Testament Rewards. Being one with God is beyond our spiritual, souls or physical ability to experience without the Holy Spirit supporting our very existence because for the joining we are the same as God himself and all New Testament saints will receive this spiritually.
So what purpose does the Old Testament Covenant in these end times?
New Testament saints which died in souls rebellion with sins unto death (still saved spiritually) losing there soul by disobedience yet spiritually saved but without "wheels" to go from one realm into other realm as Christ does entering this world and going to heaven in a united spirit soul & body.
This Old Testament saint reward was more "attractive" than having Christ joined in our spirit creating single being where two existed now incapable of sin. This single being is greater than the Old Testament Patriarch but the older covenant maintains a separate free will still capable of committing sin (as the angels who left their first estate).
Christ as an eternal companion or at least until the day after Christ destroys the old earth by fire creating a new earth, more on that in chapter "After the thousand year Kingdom".
Revelations is just the beginning as far as Christ is concerned. We have yet to begin what Christ wanted us to do 7,000 years ago. This world all that the Bible contains and millions of books telling what God can and did do unknown today (read end of the Gospel of John) is but a short detour in God’s perfect will for mankind
Think in scriptural terms God divided the Kingdom of David into the Northern Kingdom and Southern Kingdom sins were equal the Southern kingdom had truth, the temple, right of scriptural sacrifice ridding Kingdom's sin every year.
The Northern Kingdom used unscriptural sacrifices established for political reasons stopping people going into Jerusalem as ordained by God. Why then was the Southern Kingdom as sinful. They thought they were less sinful than their brothers who at lest knew they needed forgiveness.
This is the same ruling demon in the leadership of the True Church. And I say this for every one minister in the True Church who brings his ministry in line with Christ Ten will do it from the False Church reason I always loved so many men of God with Good hearts easily deceived into a demonic trap.
I know that arguments can be brought to Christ about this. However great suffering resulted by men not careful what they taught. The Kingdom Age could have been established a thousand years ago.
Christ is dead serious about what any man of God can expect from him. All will be treated by a higher standard than a simple child of God. Receiving the best from Christ all the men of God have failed to reach his perfect will. Make matters worse trying only to live his acceptable will.
The difference between the perfect will of God is "Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven" His perfect will, acceptable will, what he will allow before he wipes the earth clean of one billion people in judgment due to Church Leadership.
The person who Christ is currently using typing forgot to introduce himself. His name is Enoch the name Christ gave him sometime after a heart attack recorded on the EKG machine went untreated fell into sick bed wife and daughter prayed healing as he kept sinking into deeper level demonic attack Hid in Christ for relief showed many beautiful wonderful things.
Freed of some difficulties which heart attack was the smallest, while still in spirit in heaven showed a small white stone with a secret name on it told not to reveal until time asked to forget until Christ's time.
Years after another painful attack to illness caused by chemicals at job disabling him, damaged brain membrane causing three day long blinding headaches finally relieved thanking God for stopping pain led to check the internet came across request for prayer told woman put her in frontlet of prayer have God answer her cry for help.
Went prayed for woman, family, friends, all people he knew, finally asked to see his death wondering what it would be like. . Christ did something so beautiful so simple he just talked, drawing me closer showing things he taught me as a child. Then was simply with God saying, "I can't believe" God gently corrected, "You can believe it can't you"?
Understanding a simple act of free will, just to believe him stepping closer vaporized my entire being becoming one with him saw what he saw, thought what he thought, was part of the mind of God.
Everything made perfect and simple sense. Christ was in perfect control of all it effortlessly. It is humanly impossible for any created being to be that joyful or happy in any possible existence.
Whom ever has a beatific experience forever changed and yet to the person beside them nothing changed but the person who God changes everything is different still live in a hovel, body is still broken racked with pain yet walking in heaven not of this earth walking stepping on holy ground my soul cannot be hurt never die.
Christ would just tell me get up out of the casket go back to work there is not a doubt in my heart I would get up and start typing. Since my beatific vision been freed to share all I know about heaven and earth.
My name is ENOCH name CHRIST WROTE ON THE WHITE STONE. Never belong to any church although helped start three, never took a dime in Christ Name, received from Christ his divine office of Apostle, always a friend of God. He says his best friend. Introductions are over.
The business of setting his ministers in order is simple. Quit collecting money in Christ name settle with him when he gets here. First any dishonest dealing concerning money must be corrected if it means selling your kidney, eye, or half of your liver and one lung do it.
Everything else you should sell on simple principal that he is not happy with any of you it will go a lot easier if you live in a run down trailer in the worst part of town than a mansion with a world of starving people.
I am not joking. Next the church pays taxes Christ told you render unto Caesar that which is Caesar if the church was paying outrageous taxes instead of stuffing their bank accounts the government would have to be more honest the pastors would be preaching economic justice for everyone especial them.
Tell your church membership this church does not allow any contribution to be tax deductible. I am dead serious you can not play around about this try operating under a false church flag knowing truth you deserve what is in store for you. I will not waste a thought about it.
Remember the lost fool getting in the way of helping a child of God. And don't be surprised to see your story unfold as a TV movie. God will make an example of you to teach other men of God yet to hear what they must do.
There is more but remember your heart is right Christ will do the hard part correcting problems be willing to leave an entire way of life walk away on faith build a new ministry free from demonic control and influence.
Ones doing it first will pay a high price they will receive the greatest Blessing. Just so you know I gave up everything and everyone I loved to receive the Blessing went through 13 years of continuous physical pain fighting demons in a special school Christ set up for me.
My teachers and tormentors was my family who were spiritually blinded by Christ not to recognize attitudes actual thoughts were instigated by generational demons. Seeing demon activity knew what was wrong and if they were treated by anyone the way they treated me simply would not stand for it.
Christ blinded these normal everyday Christian people wonderful to everybody except me. Christ permitted generational family demons free reign concerning me alone. Christ taught me to ignore demonic attitude understand Christ lesson in demons 101.
Prayed for their protection their happiness while being their doormat remember seeing ruling demon first in my oldest daughter saved from wet alcoholic biological father who prostituted her 11-year-old sister to get Job on the slope in Alaska, she was starved, beaten, mind void of education. Christ put her under my hand, finest private Christian school, became member of the National Honor Scholar.
Made a point to give her 100 dollars every week because her husband was too cheap to give her own money told her I was physically damaged by chemicals at the job destroyed my immune system, attacking my brain causing pain in arms legs headaches causing fevers spinal Charlie horses lifting me clean off the bed. Condition could not be cured will only get worse.
Her answer to all of this is oh how terrible but if you are too sick to work use social security will there be any money left for me when I get old. How many things are wrong with this answer?
First off she never worked to pay any social security taxes or taxes period that was the first time that I truly understood what I did wrong being a Dad. And it was the beginning of divine education concerning Christians controlled by demons.
Realizing developing incurable untreatable disabling disease, racking with pain, affected the spending habits my adult married children. The demons went out of the way to make me aware of there suffering. Christ kept me laughing inside made my education bearable. The hard stuff I lived through Christ had me write it never truly felt real sorrow or pain until after writing it. Lived through the worst of it then just cried tears of gratitude for Christ carrying me 13 years. Unable to understand when some heard bit of my life wrote how utterly sad they felt about what happen to me. Truly didn't understand sharing story how one can be happy in troubled times.
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